SALEM Brotherhood Uganda Ltd.
P.O. Box 1558 · Mbale · UGANDA
Tel. +256 (0)772-505595 or +256 (0)702 415 438
SALEM International gemeinnützige GmbH
Alte Pressecker Str. 51 · 95346 Stadtsteinach · GERMANY
Tel. +49 (0)9225 809-0 · Fax +49 (0)9225 809-150
Commercial Registry Bayreuth, HRB 308.
Head office: 95346 Stadtsteinach
Bank details:
VR Bank Oberfranken Mitte eG,
BIC GENODEF1KU1, IBAN DE55 7719 0000 0000 2557 77
Ust-IdNr.: DE 132 357 573 (value added tax identification number)
Steuer-Nr.: 208/147/40057 (tax number)
Tax exemption:
Under Tax Number 208/147/40057, due to the advancement of development assistance; youth and elderly welfare service; animal, nature and environmental protection; and the advancement of an international understanding as a common acknowledged goal, the work of SALEM International has been recognized by the Financial Office of Bayreuth, Germany as tax deductible and is free from corporate income tax under § 5 Abs.1 Nr.9 KStG.
We voluntarily send our yearly financial documentation, independently checked by the auditing company Rödl & Partner, to the Deutsches Zentralinstitut für Soziale Fragen (DZI).